Kode Kota Asal


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harga/IDR.5 off/IDR.7
diskon/10% keterangan/1OOO
product description
  • Welcome to Agro Asia Berdikari, where you get high quality corn products Corn products at Agro Asia Berdikari are the best choice for those of you who want to enjoy fresh corn with a delicious taste. Our corn products are harvested from the best farmers and processed carefully so that the quality is well maintained. Corn at Agro Asia Mandiri is available in shelled form. All of our products have high nutritional content and are processed using methods that comply with hygiene standards. We offer our corn products at affordable prices, so you can enjoy quality products without having to pay exorbitant costs. All of our corn products are guaranteed to be fresh and high quality, so you can choose the product that suits your wants and needs. Shop immediately at the Agro Asia Berdikari Online Store and find the best quality corn products just for you
  • The following are some of the nutritional contents contained in corn: Fiber: Corn contains fiber which is very good for digestion. Fiber can also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Protein: Corn contains protein which can help strengthen muscles and maintain general body health. Vitamin B: Corn is rich in vitamins B1, B5, and B9 (folic acid), which are essential for maintaining healthy body cells and helping fight disease. Calories: Corn does not contain many calories and can be a healthy alternative for snacks or snacks. Carotenoids: Corn contains carotenoids which are good for eye health and the immune system. Vitamin E: Corn also contains vitamin E which can help protect the skin from damage caused by excessive sun exposure.
Disclaimer : The products we send are original products. 

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PT. Agro Asia Berdikari
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